Version 1.7.1 of the DAZ Importer and MHX Runtime system has been released. It can be downloaded from
This is primarily a bugfix release. A number of serious bugs were discovered right after the 1.7.0 release. Those have now been eliminated, so I recommend everybody to update to the new version. Safely Installing a New Version.
There are also a few new features. The most obvious one is that the user interface has been rearranged. The DAZ Importer now takes up two tabs in the User Interface (N-panel), DAZ Setup and DAZ Runtime. One or both of these tabs can be hidden.
Support for making pose presets has been improved.
The internal working of the MHX rig has been changed. However, there is a conversion tool for old MHX rigs, so they can still be used with the latest release.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Version 1.7.1 Released
Thursday, July 13, 2023
MHX Properties are now ID Properties
If you open an old MHX rig in the latest MHX version, all panels contain only a single button named "Update MHX Drivers". What is going on?
IK for the left and right arms are controlled by custom properties called MhaArmIk_L and MhaArmIk_R, respectively. We see in the Custom Properties list that IK is enabled and that they are RNA properties, because "API Defined" is written to the right of the properties.
The IK property drives the influence of a Copy Transforms constraint for the upper_arm.L bone, which is located on the hidden layer 15. The driver value is 1.0 which is the value of the RNA property MhaArmIk_L.Save the file and disable the MHX RTS add-on. Then close and restart Blender, so the definition of the RNA properties disappear.Now open the file that we just saved in the new Blender session. The IK pose is gone! The IK bones are posed as they were before, but the mesh no longer follows suit.
When we inspect the custom properties, we see that the custom properties have turned into ID properties. There is a cogwheel and an X to the right of the properties rather than the text "API Defined".If we look at the driver for the Copy Transforms constraint, we see that the path has turned red and that the driver value is 0.0. The driver looks for an RNA property called MhaArmIk_L, but that does not exist because the MHX RTS add-on is disabled.
To fix the file, we have to enable the MHX add-on again. The mesh now jumps into place because the RNA properties are defined again, but this is not a permanent solution.
Now save the blend file, disable the MHX add-on, restart Blender and open the file. The IK pose is still there, even though the MHX tab is absent.
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Hierarchical Pose Presets
For a while the DAZ Importer has been able to export pose presets back to DAZ Studio, see the post Save pose preset. However, this was limited to ordinary pose presets, which only work on a single figure in DAZ Studio. Following a request by Rakete, the functionality of this tool has now been expanded to also generate hierarchical pose presets,
In DAZ Studio, select the figure and load the pose preset. The body is posed but the face is not, because the pose is only loaded to the figure itself, not to its children, e.g. the Face Control figure.
Now do the same thing again, but set Preset Type to Hierarchical instead.In DAZ Studio, the hierarchical preset is loaded to the entire node hierarchy, both the main figure and its subfigures.Instead of using the Face Control bones, we could create an expression using the FACS sliders.
Note that this tool does not distinguish between shaping and posing morphs; in Blender, all morphs are treated in the same way.
Hierarchical pose presets are quite sensitive to the bone hierarchy.
Therefore it is not possible to use the MHX or Rigify rigs to generate
hierarchical presets, because those rigs have a completely different
bone hierarchy. However, it is possible to use the Simple IK rig.
Once we have exported the preset, the Unmute Control Rig button returns control to the control rig.
Since the active object is now a DAZ rig, we can save a hierarchical pose preset.And this preset poses the entire hierarchy in DAZ Studio.