Assume that we want to import a figure with Easy Import. We select the duf file (or the corresponding .png or .tip.png file) and press Easy Import DAZ. To do the same thing programatically, we could expect that the following script would work:
filepath = "D:/home/scenes/victoria-rocker.duf"
However, nothing is imported. The reason is that the Easy Import tool can import several files at once. If we select the following three files, three different figures will be imported at once.
The old way to import multiple files uses the api.set_selection function, which needs to be called before easy_import_daz is invoked. Functions defined by the DAZ Importer plugin are documented here.
import bpy
from bl_ext.user_default.import_daz import api
Unfortunately, this does not work very well. Under the hood the set_selection function sets a global variable, and this leads to complications for operators that invoke other operators, like easy_import_daz does. Recently I learned from Rakete that there is another way to access multiple files which does not involve any global variables.
When a file selector exists, it sets two keyword arguments: the StringProperty "directory" and the CollectionProperty "files". An alternative way to import multiple files is like this:
directory = "D:/home/scenes",
files = [{"name" : "aiko-basic-wear.duf"},
{"name" : "victoria-rocker.duf"},
{"name" : "michael-basic-wear.duf"}])
Actually, importing files in this way has always worked, but I was not aware of it. The "files" argument is a bit complicated; it is a list of dicts with the "name" keyword, which is how we specify a CollectionProperty in scripts.
To import a single file we simply let "files" be a list with a single argument.
directory = "D:/home/scenes",
files = [{"name" : "victoria-rocker.duf"}])
This way of importing multiple files is not limited to Easy Import. The following script imports three poses to the active object. The second line turns on automatic keying.
import bpy
bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.use_keyframe_insert_auto = True
folder = "/people/genesis 8 female/poses/base poses/"
files = ["base pose kneeling a.duf",
"base pose kneeling b.duf",
"base pose kneeling c.duf"]
directory = api.get_absolute_path(folder),
files = [{"name" : file} for file in files],
This script imports three poses to consequtive frames.
The following script import three units morphs:
files = ["eCTRLEyesClosed.dsf",
selection = [{"name" : file} for file in files]
It is thus equivalent to the following selection in the Import Units dialog.
If the "selection" keywprd is omitted, or equivalently if selection = [], all elements are selected. Thus the line
imports all available viseme morphs. We can then set the corresponding rig properties.
rig = bpy.context.object
rig["eCTRLvAA"] = 1.0
rig["eCTRLvOW"] = 0.4