Note that filatoon can only be rendered with eevee, not with cycles, this is the same in daz studio where filatoon only works with filament and not with iray. The toon outline is rendered with freestyle.
However there's a difference in lighting between daz studio and blender, as toon figures in daz studio are not lit by the HDRI, while in blender they always are. Even with the new light linking in blender 4.3 there's no way to exclude the HDRI. Of course this is not a issue if we only use regular lights without HDRI.
Below there's an example where we import a scene with HDRI, we have the G8F figure with iray materials, and the G9F toon with filatoon materials. We can see that in daz studio iray can't correctly render the toon figure, while filament can't correctly render the G8 figure. In blender we can render with eevee and both the toon and G8 figures are rendered correctly, however both are affected by the HDRI.
We can adjust both the HDRI threshold and the toon light inside the "daz toon diffuse" and "daz toon light" groups, note that adjusting one group will affect the whole scene.