In practice, this is almost exclusively done with
genitalia. In order to merge anatomy to the human, the anatomy must of
course first be exported from DAZ Studio. We therefore go back to DAZ
Studio and save a new version of Ana. To the nude mesh with hair we add
earrings and
genitalia. We also
add a top and shorts (hidden in the illustration below), primarily
because I am unsure how Blogger reacts to nudity.
character ana-night.duf and export the corresponding
.json file, ana-night.json. Import the new .duf file into Blender and merge all rigs.
all morphs that you need, both for Ana herself and also for her
genitals. This must be done before the anatomy has been merged, because
merging meshes changes the vertex number. Select the genitals and import
all morphs belonging to the genitalia mesh. I should have changed the
category from the default General to Genitalia, but forgot to do so.
Unfortunately, this mistake is not so easy to correct afterwards.
select both the character and the genitals meshes, and press Merge
Anatomy. The importer figures out which mesh is a character by looking
at its fingerprint (the number of vertices, edges and faces), so
selection order is not important.
genitalia is now merged with the body mesh. The hidden crotch vertices
in the original body mesh have been removed, and duplicates along the
genitalia border have been removed, making the integration of the two
meshes seamless.
merged mesh keeps the genitalia materials and shapekeys. The shapekeys
are controlled by rig properties in the Custom Morphs panel, under the
category General (since I forgot to change that when the morphs were