A new version of the DAZ Importer to Blender is finally available. The are many improvements compared to version 1.0, including
- Multiple instances of the same asset are treated as different objects.
- Object transformations have been improved.
- Roll angles are chosen to make X the main bend axis, necessary for the MHX and Rigify rigs.
- Improved material handling, utilising DAZ Studio materials.
- Experimental import only using information in DAZ files.
- and many, many bug fixes.
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4aoh578u6ss2hz/import-daz-v1.1-20170222.zip
- Save the zip file somewhere on your computer.
- In Blender, go to File > User Preferences > Add-ons
- Press Install From File... and select the zip file.
- Enable the DAZ importer.

And here I added a quick animation with MakeWalk.