Create parameter file

Upload the figures folder from your computer to Google drive. If you have not changed, you find it in the Documents/AutoFace/figures directory, or more generally in the location specified by AUTOFACE_DIR/figures. The figures folder should be put it in the Expression-Net directory that was created as a Prerequisite, replacing the files in the folder that already exists.

Open Google Colaboratory (Colab) in a separate tab in your browser.

Execute the first cell to mount your Google drive.

from google.colab import drive

Skip the second cell.

Run the third cell to move into the Expression-Net directory.

%cd "/content/gdrive/My Drive/Expression-Net"

To analyze the example images, we can either run the fourth cell

!python ./input.csv

Alternatively, we can run the fifth cell

!python ./figures/donald_trump.csv
!python ./figures/hillary_clinton.csv

The script creates a json file in the output_params folder. Switch to the Google Drive tab and step into this folder. Download the json files and put them in the directory AUTOFACE_DIR/parameters. By default AUTOFACE_DIR is the Autoface folder in your Documents directory.