morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "",
useMesh = False)
Select all morphs of this type
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
- useMesh (boolean) - useMesh
Add a cloud directory
Add a content directory
Add custom shapes to the bones of the active rig
Add driven value nodes
Add an extra layer of face bones, which can be both driven and posed
usePoleTargets = False,
hideBones = False,
lockBones = False,
disableBones = False,
fromRoots = True)
Add IK goals
- usePoleTargets (boolean) - Add pole targets to the IK chains
- hideBones (boolean) - Hide all bones in the IK chains
- lockBones (boolean) - Lock all bones in the IK chains
- disableBones (boolean) - Disable all bones in the IK chains
- fromRoots (boolean) - Select IK chains from root bones
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "")
Add selected morphs to active custom keying set, or make new one
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
headType = 'JAW',
useGroup = True,
group = "Mannequin")
Add mannequins to selected meshes. Don't change rig after this.
- headType (enum in ['SOLID', 'JAW', 'FULL']) - How to make the mannequin head
- useGroup (boolean) - Add mannequin to collection
- group (string) - Add mannequin to this collection
Add an MDL directory
Add a push shapekey
category = "Shapes",
custom = '',
makenew = False)
Add selected shapekeys to mesh category
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- category (string) - Add morphs to this category of custom morphs
- custom (enum in []) - Category
- makenew (boolean) - Create a new category
bpy.ops.daz.add_shapekey_drivers(category = "Shapes")
Add rig drivers to shapekeys
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- category (string) - Add morphs to this category of custom morphs
offset = 2.000,
useSolidify = False,
thickness = 2.000,
useApply = False)
Add shrinkwrap modifiers covering the active mesh. Optionally add solidify modifiers
- offset (float) - Offset the surface from the character mesh
- useSolidify (boolean) - Add a solidify modifier too
- thickness (float) - Thickness of the surface
- useApply (boolean) - Apply modifiers afterwards
bpy.ops.daz.add_simple_ik(usePoleTargets = False)
Add Simple IK constraints to the active rig. This will not work if the rig has body morphs affecting arms and legs, and the bones have been made poseable
- usePoleTargets (boolean) - Add pole targets to the IK chains. Poses will not be loaded correctly.
singleGroup = False,
groupName = "All",
useCollections = True)
Control visibility with rig property. For file linking.
- singleGroup (boolean) - Treat all selected meshes as a single group
- groupName (string) - Name of the single group
- useCollections (boolean) - Move selected meshes to new collections
winderLayer = 1,
windedLayer = 2,
useLockLoc = False)
Add winders to selected posebones
- winderLayer (int) - Bone layer for the winder bones
- windedLayer (int) - Bone layer for the winded bones
- useLockLoc (boolean) - Lock winder location even if original bone is not locked
Apply all shapekeys to selected meshes
Apply all shapekeys
Apply current pose at rest pose to selected rigs and children
Apply subsurf modifier, maintaining shapekeys
bakeType = 'NORMALS',
imageSize = '2048',
subfolder = "",
basename = "",
storedFolder = "",
storedName = "",
useSingleTile = False,
tile = 1001)
Bake normal/displacement maps for the selected HD meshes
- bakeType (enum in ['NORMALS', 'DISPLACEMENT']) - Bake Type
- imageSize (enum in ['512', '1024', '2048', '4096']) - Image Size
- subfolder (string) - Subfolder for normal/displace maps
- basename (string) - Name used to construct file names
- storedFolder (string) - storedFolder
- storedName (string) - storedName
- useSingleTile (boolean) - Only bake map for a single tile
- tile (int) - Single tile to bake
Make the active armature the armature of selected meshes
bpy.ops.daz.change_colors(color = (0.100,0.100,0.500,1.000))
Change viewport colors of all materials of this object
- color (color) - Color
Change l/r prefix to .L/.R suffix, to use Blender symmetry tools
steps = 2,
resizeAll = True,
overwrite = False)
Change all textures of selected meshes with resized versions. The resized textures must already exist.
- steps (int) - Resize original images with this number of steps
- resizeAll (boolean) - Resize all textures of the selected meshes
- overwrite (boolean) - Overwrite the original image files.
bpy.ops.daz.change_skin_color(color = (0.100,0.100,0.500,1.000))
Change viewport colors of all materials of this object
- color (color) - Color
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "")
Set all selected morphs of specified type to zero. Does not affect integer properties
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
Clear all bones and object transformations
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "")
Set all shapekeys values of specified type to zero
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
Restrict UV coordinates to the [0:1] range
bpy.ops.daz.color_hair(color = (0.100,0.100,0.500,1.000))
Change particle hair color
- color (color) - Color
strandType = 'SHEET',
strandOrientation = 'TOP',
keepMesh = False,
removeOldHairs = False,
useSeparateLoose = True,
sparsity = 1,
size = 20,
resizeHair = False,
resizeInBlocks = False,
nViewChildren = 0,
nRenderChildren = 0,
nViewStep = 3,
nRenderStep = 3,
strandShape = 'STANDARD',
rootRadius = 0.300,
tipRadius = 0.300,
childRadius = 10.000,
multiMaterials = True,
keepMaterial = True,
activeMaterial = '',
color = (0.200,0.020,0.010,1.000),
hairMaterialMethod = 'HAIR_BSDF')
Combine several hair particle systems into a single one
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- strandType (enum in ['SHEET', 'LINE', 'TUBE']) - Mesh hair strand type
- strandOrientation (enum in ['TOP', 'BOTTOM', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT']) - How the strands are oriented in UV space
- keepMesh (boolean) - Keep (reconstruct) mesh hair after making particle hair
- removeOldHairs (boolean) - Remove existing particle systems from this mesh
- useSeparateLoose (boolean) - Separate hair mesh into loose parts before doing the conversion. Usually improves performance but can stall for large meshes
- sparsity (int) - Only use every n:th hair
- size (int) - Hair length
- resizeHair (boolean) - Resize hair afterwards
- resizeInBlocks (boolean) - Resize hair in blocks of ten afterwards
- nViewChildren (int) - Number of hair children displayed in viewport
- nRenderChildren (int) - Number of hair children displayed in renders
- nViewStep (int) - How many steps paths are drawn with (power of 2)
- nRenderStep (int) - How many steps paths are rendered with (power of 2)
- strandShape (enum in ['STANDARD', 'ROOTS', 'SHRINK']) - Strand shape
- rootRadius (float) - Strand diameter at the root
- tipRadius (float) - Strand diameter at the tip
- childRadius (float) - Radius of children around parent
- multiMaterials (boolean) - Create separate particle systems for each material
- keepMaterial (boolean) - Use existing material
- activeMaterial (enum in []) - Material to use as hair material
- color (color) - Hair Color
- hairMaterialMethod (enum in ['HAIR_BSDF', 'HAIR_PRINCIPLED', 'PRINCIPLED']) - Type of hair material node tree
(Re)connect hair
type = 'ARMSLEGS',
unlock = True,
location = 'HEAD')
Connect all bones in IK chains to their parents
- type (enum in ['ARMS', 'LEGS', 'ARMSLEGS', 'SELECTED']) - Connect the specified types of chains
- unlock (boolean) - Remove location locks of the last bone in each chain for use as Auto IK target
- location (enum in ['HEAD', 'TAIL', 'CENTER']) - Where to connect parent and child bones
bpy.ops.daz.convert_custom_morphs_to_shapekeys(custom = '')
Convert custom rig morphs to shapekeys
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- custom (enum in []) - Category
bpy.ops.daz.convert_rig(newRig = 'genesis_3_female')
Convert current DAZ rig to other DAZ rig
- newRig (enum in ['cmu', 'genesis', 'genesis_2_female', 'genesis_2_male', 'genesis_3_female', 'genesis_3_male', 'genesis_8_female', 'genesis_8_male', 'michael_8', 'victoria_7', 'victoria_8']) - Convert active rig to this
bpy.ops.daz.convert_standard_morphs_to_shapekeys(morphset = '')
Convert standard face rig morphs to shapekeys
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- morphset (enum in []) - Type
addTweakBones = True,
showLinks = True,
useFingerIk = False,
useKeepRig = False,
elbowParent = 'HAND',
kneeParent = 'FOOT',
useRenameBones = True)
Convert rig to MHX
- addTweakBones (boolean) - Add tweak bones
- showLinks (boolean) - Show link bones
- useFingerIk (boolean) - Generate IK controls for fingers
- useKeepRig (boolean) - Keep existing armature and meshes in a new collection
- elbowParent (enum in ['HAND', 'SHOULDER', 'MASTER']) - Parent of elbow pole target
- kneeParent (enum in ['FOOT', 'HIP', 'MASTER']) - Parent of knee pole target
- useRenameBones (boolean) - Rename face bones from l/r prefix to .L/.R suffix
useAutoAlign = False,
useCustomLayers = True,
useFingerIk = False,
useIkFix = True,
useKeepRig = False,
useRenameBones = True,
useDeleteMeta = False)
Convert active rig to rigify
- useAutoAlign (boolean) - Auto align hand and foot (Rigify parameter)
- useCustomLayers (boolean) - Display layers for face and custom bones. Not for Rigify legacy
- useFingerIk (boolean) - Generate IK controls for fingers
- useIkFix (boolean) - Add limits to IK bones, to prevent poor bending
- useKeepRig (boolean) - Keep existing armature and meshes in a new collection
- useRenameBones (boolean) - Rename bones from l/r prefix to .L/.R suffix
- useDeleteMeta (boolean) - Delete intermediate rig after Rigify
usedLayer = 4,
unusedLayer = 5,
deleteUnused = True)
Convert the active mesh to custom shapes for the parent armature bones
- usedLayer (int) - Bone layer for bones with shapekeys
- unusedLayer (int) - Bone layer for bones without shapekeys
- deleteUnused (boolean) - Delete unused bones
Copy bone drivers from selected rig to active rig
Copy DAZ properties from active object to selected objects. Only properties that are not already set
bpy.ops.daz.copy_materials(useMatchNames = False, errorMismatch = True)
Copy materials from active mesh to selected meshes
- useMatchNames (boolean) - Match materials based on names rather than material number
- errorMismatch (boolean) - Raise an error if the number of source and target materials are different
offset = 5.000,
useSubsurf = False,
useRemoveCloth = True)
Copy modifiers from active mesh to selected
- offset (float) - Offset the surface from the character mesh
- useSubsurf (boolean) - Also copy subsurf and multires modifiers
- useRemoveCloth (boolean) - Remove cloth modifiers from source mesh
Copy pose from active rig to selected rigs
Copy properties from selected objects to active object
Copy vertex groups from active to selected meshes with the same number of vertices
Create vertex groups from graft information
bpy.ops.daz.create_masks(singleGroup = False, groupName = "All")
Create vertex groups and mask modifiers in active mesh for selected meshes
- singleGroup (boolean) - Treat all selected meshes as a single group
- groupName (string) - Name of the single group
useAutoAlign = False,
useCustomLayers = True,
useFingerIk = False,
useIkFix = True,
useKeepRig = False,
useRenameBones = True)
Create a metarig from the active rig
- useAutoAlign (boolean) - Auto align hand and foot (Rigify parameter)
- useCustomLayers (boolean) - Display layers for face and custom bones. Not for Rigify legacy
- useFingerIk (boolean) - Generate IK controls for fingers
- useIkFix (boolean) - Add limits to IK bones, to prevent poor bending
- useKeepRig (boolean) - Keep existing armature and meshes in a new collection
- useRenameBones (boolean) - Rename bones from l/r prefix to .L/.R suffix
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "",
useMesh = False)
Unselect all morphs of this type
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
- useMesh (boolean) - useMesh
bpy.ops.daz.decode_file(filepath = "")
Decode a gzipped DAZ file (*.duf, *.dsf, *.dbz) to a text file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
Disable all drivers to improve performance
units = False,
expressions = False,
visemes = False,
facs = False,
facsexpr = False,
body = False,
jcms = False,
flexions = False,
skinColor = (0.600,0.400,0.250,1.000),
clothesColor = (0.090,0.010,0.015,1.000),
fitMeshes = 'DBZFILE',
morphStrength = 1.000,
rigType = 'DAZ',
mannequinType = 'NONE',
useEliminateEmpties = True,
useMergeRigs = True,
useMergeMaterials = True,
useMergeToes = False,
useTransferShapes = True,
useMergeGeografts = False,
useMergeLashes = False,
useMakeAllBonesPoseable = False,
useFavoMorphs = False,
favoPath = "",
useConvertHair = False)
Load a native DAZ file and perform the most common operations
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- units (boolean) - Import all face units
- expressions (boolean) - Import all expressions
- visemes (boolean) - Import all visemes
- facs (boolean) - Import all FACS units
- facsexpr (boolean) - Import all FACS expressions
- body (boolean) - Import all body morphs
- jcms (boolean) - Import all JCMs
- flexions (boolean) - Import all flexions
- skinColor (color) - Skin
- clothesColor (color) - Clothes
- fitMeshes (enum in ['SHARED', 'UNIQUE', 'MORPHED', 'DBZFILE']) - Mesh fitting method
- morphStrength (float) - Morph strength
- rigType (enum in ['DAZ', 'CUSTOM', 'MHX', 'RIGIFY']) - Convert the main rig to a more animator-friendly rig
- mannequinType (enum in ['NONE', 'NUDE', 'ALL']) - Add mannequin to meshes of this type
- useEliminateEmpties (boolean) - Delete non-hidden empties, parenting its children to its parent instead
- useMergeRigs (boolean) - Merge all rigs to the main character rig
- useMergeMaterials (boolean) - Merge identical materials
- useMergeToes (boolean) - Merge separate toes into a single toe bone
- useTransferShapes (boolean) - Transfer shapekeys from character to clothes
- useMergeGeografts (boolean) - Merge selected geografts to active object. Does not work with nested geografts. Shapekeys are always transferred first
- useMergeLashes (boolean) - Merge separate eyelash mesh to character. Shapekeys are always transferred first
- useMakeAllBonesPoseable (boolean) - Add an extra layer of driven bones, to make them poseable
- useFavoMorphs (boolean) - Load a favorite morphs instead of loading standard morphs
- favoPath (string) - Path to favorite morphs
- useConvertHair (boolean) - Convert strand-based hair to particle hair
bpy.ops.daz.eliminate_empties(useCollections = True)
Delete non-hidden empties, parenting its children to its parent instead
- useCollections (boolean) - Replace empties with collections
Enable all bone layers
Enable all drivers
(undocumented operator)
Remove internal properties from meshes. Disables some tools but may improve performance
(undocumented operator)
Create seams based on existing UVs
Get fingerprint of active character
Show or update global settings
pinningX0 = 0.250,
pinningX1 = 0.750,
pinningW0 = 1.000,
pinningW1 = 0.000)
Add HairPin group to hair strands
- pinningX0 (float) - Pin X0
- pinningX1 (float) - Pin X1
- pinningW0 (float) - Pin W0
- pinningW1 (float) - Pin W1
bpy.ops.daz.hide_all_vis(prefix = "")
Hide all meshes/makeup of this rig
- prefix (string) - prefix
affectBones = True,
affectDrivenBones = True,
affectMorphs = True,
clearMorphs = True,
affectObject = 'OBJECT',
reportMissingMorphs = False,
affectSelectedOnly = False,
affectScale = True,
ignoreLimits = True,
convertPoses = False,
srcCharacter = 'genesis_3_female',
makeNewAction = True,
actionName = "Action",
fps = 30.000,
integerFrames = True,
atFrameOne = True,
firstFrame = 1,
lastFrame = 250)
Import poses from DAZ pose preset file(s) to action
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- affectBones (boolean) - Animate bones.
- affectDrivenBones (boolean) - Animate bones with a Drv parent
- affectMorphs (boolean) - Animate morph properties
- clearMorphs (boolean) - Clear all morph properties before loading new ones
- affectObject (enum in ['OBJECT', 'MASTER', 'NONE']) - How to animate global object transformation
- reportMissingMorphs (boolean) - Print a list of missing morphs
- affectSelectedOnly (boolean) - Only animate selected bones
- affectScale (boolean) - Include bone scale in animation
- ignoreLimits (boolean) - Set pose even if outside limit constraints
- convertPoses (boolean) - Attempt to convert poses to the current rig.
- srcCharacter (enum in ['cmu', 'genesis', 'genesis_2_female', 'genesis_2_male', 'genesis_3_female', 'genesis_3_male', 'genesis_8_female', 'genesis_8_male', 'michael_8', 'victoria_7', 'victoria_8']) - Character this file was made for
- makeNewAction (boolean) - Unlink current action and make a new one
- actionName (string) - Name of loaded action
- fps (float) - Animation FPS in Daz Studio
- integerFrames (boolean) - Round all keyframes to intergers
- atFrameOne (boolean) - Always start actions at frame 1
- firstFrame (int) - Start import with this frame
- lastFrame (int) - Finish import with this frame
Import selected body morphs
category = "Shapes",
usePropDrivers = True,
useMeshCats = False,
bodypart = 'Custom',
treatHD = 'ERROR')
Import selected morphs from native DAZ files (*.duf, *.dsf)
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- category (string) - Category
- usePropDrivers (boolean) - Drive shapekeys with rig properties
- useMeshCats (boolean) - Mesh categories
- bodypart (enum in ['Face', 'Body', 'Custom']) - Part of character that the morphs affect
- treatHD (enum in ['ERROR', 'CREATE', 'ACTIVE']) - How to deal with vertex count mismatch for HD morphs
skinColor = (0.600,0.400,0.250,1.000),
clothesColor = (0.090,0.010,0.015,1.000),
fitMeshes = 'DBZFILE',
morphStrength = 1.000)
Load a native DAZ file
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- skinColor (color) - Skin
- clothesColor (color) - Clothes
- fitMeshes (enum in ['SHARED', 'UNIQUE', 'MORPHED', 'DBZFILE']) - Mesh fitting method
- morphStrength (float) - Morph strength
Import DBZ or JSON file(s) (*.dbz, *.json) as morphs
Import selected expression morphs
makeNewAction = True,
actionName = "Action",
fps = 24.000,
integerFrames = True,
atFrameOne = True,
firstFrame = 1,
lastFrame = 250,
filepath = "",
useHeadLoc = False,
useHeadRot = True,
useEyesRot = True)
Import a text file with facecap data
- makeNewAction (boolean) - Unlink current action and make a new one
- actionName (string) - Name of loaded action
- fps (float) - Animation FPS in FaceCap file
- integerFrames (boolean) - Round all keyframes to intergers
- atFrameOne (boolean) - Always start actions at frame 1
- firstFrame (int) - Start import with this frame
- lastFrame (int) - Finish import with this frame
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
- useHeadLoc (boolean) - Include head location animation
- useHeadRot (boolean) - Include head rotation animation
- useEyesRot (boolean) - Include eyes rotation animation
Import selected FACS unit morphs
Import selected FACS expression morphs
Import selected flexion morphs
Import selected joint corrective morphs
makeNewAction = True,
actionName = "Action",
fps = 30.000,
integerFrames = True,
atFrameOne = True,
firstFrame = 1,
lastFrame = 250,
filepath = "",
useHeadLoc = False,
useHeadRot = True,
useEyesRot = True)
Import a csv file with Unreal's Live Link data
- makeNewAction (boolean) - Unlink current action and make a new one
- actionName (string) - Name of loaded action
- fps (float) - Animation FPS in Daz Studio
- integerFrames (boolean) - Round all keyframes to intergers
- atFrameOne (boolean) - Always start actions at frame 1
- firstFrame (int) - Start import with this frame
- lastFrame (int) - Finish import with this frame
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
- useHeadLoc (boolean) - Include head location animation
- useHeadRot (boolean) - Include head rotation animation
- useEyesRot (boolean) - Include eyes rotation animation
Impose locks and limits for current pose
affectBones = True,
affectDrivenBones = True,
affectMorphs = True,
clearMorphs = True,
affectObject = 'OBJECT',
reportMissingMorphs = False,
affectSelectedOnly = False,
affectScale = True,
ignoreLimits = True,
convertPoses = False,
srcCharacter = 'genesis_3_female',
makeNewAction = True,
actionName = "Action",
fps = 30.000,
integerFrames = True,
atFrameOne = True,
firstFrame = 1,
lastFrame = 250)
Import poses from DAZ scene file(s) (not pose preset files) to action
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- affectBones (boolean) - Animate bones.
- affectDrivenBones (boolean) - Animate bones with a Drv parent
- affectMorphs (boolean) - Animate morph properties
- clearMorphs (boolean) - Clear all morph properties before loading new ones
- affectObject (enum in ['OBJECT', 'MASTER', 'NONE']) - How to animate global object transformation
- reportMissingMorphs (boolean) - Print a list of missing morphs
- affectSelectedOnly (boolean) - Only animate selected bones
- affectScale (boolean) - Include bone scale in animation
- ignoreLimits (boolean) - Set pose even if outside limit constraints
- convertPoses (boolean) - Attempt to convert poses to the current rig.
- srcCharacter (enum in ['cmu', 'genesis', 'genesis_2_female', 'genesis_2_male', 'genesis_3_female', 'genesis_3_male', 'genesis_8_female', 'genesis_8_male', 'michael_8', 'victoria_7', 'victoria_8']) - Character this file was made for
- makeNewAction (boolean) - Unlink current action and make a new one
- actionName (string) - Name of loaded action
- fps (float) - Animation FPS in Daz Studio
- integerFrames (boolean) - Round all keyframes to intergers
- atFrameOne (boolean) - Always start actions at frame 1
- firstFrame (int) - Start import with this frame
- lastFrame (int) - Finish import with this frame
affectBones = True,
affectDrivenBones = True,
affectMorphs = True,
clearMorphs = True,
affectObject = 'OBJECT',
reportMissingMorphs = False,
affectSelectedOnly = False,
affectScale = True,
ignoreLimits = True,
convertPoses = False,
srcCharacter = 'genesis_3_female')
Import a pose from DAZ scene file(s) (not pose preset files)
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- affectBones (boolean) - Animate bones.
- affectDrivenBones (boolean) - Animate bones with a Drv parent
- affectMorphs (boolean) - Animate morph properties
- clearMorphs (boolean) - Clear all morph properties before loading new ones
- affectObject (enum in ['OBJECT', 'MASTER', 'NONE']) - How to animate global object transformation
- reportMissingMorphs (boolean) - Print a list of missing morphs
- affectSelectedOnly (boolean) - Only animate selected bones
- affectScale (boolean) - Include bone scale in animation
- ignoreLimits (boolean) - Set pose even if outside limit constraints
- convertPoses (boolean) - Attempt to convert poses to the current rig.
- srcCharacter (enum in ['cmu', 'genesis', 'genesis_2_female', 'genesis_2_male', 'genesis_3_female', 'genesis_3_male', 'genesis_8_female', 'genesis_8_male', 'michael_8', 'victoria_7', 'victoria_8']) - Character this file was made for
affectBones = True,
affectDrivenBones = True,
affectMorphs = True,
clearMorphs = True,
affectObject = 'OBJECT',
reportMissingMorphs = False,
affectSelectedOnly = False,
affectScale = True,
ignoreLimits = True,
convertPoses = False,
srcCharacter = 'genesis_3_female',
makeNewPoseLib = True,
poseLibName = "PoseLib")
Import a poses from DAZ scene file(s) (not pose preset files) to pose library
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- affectBones (boolean) - Animate bones.
- affectDrivenBones (boolean) - Animate bones with a Drv parent
- affectMorphs (boolean) - Animate morph properties
- clearMorphs (boolean) - Clear all morph properties before loading new ones
- affectObject (enum in ['OBJECT', 'MASTER', 'NONE']) - How to animate global object transformation
- reportMissingMorphs (boolean) - Print a list of missing morphs
- affectSelectedOnly (boolean) - Only animate selected bones
- affectScale (boolean) - Include bone scale in animation
- ignoreLimits (boolean) - Set pose even if outside limit constraints
- convertPoses (boolean) - Attempt to convert poses to the current rig.
- srcCharacter (enum in ['cmu', 'genesis', 'genesis_2_female', 'genesis_2_male', 'genesis_3_female', 'genesis_3_male', 'genesis_8_female', 'genesis_8_male', 'michael_8', 'victoria_7', 'victoria_8']) - Character this file was made for
- makeNewPoseLib (boolean) - Unlink current pose library and make a new one
- poseLibName (string) - Name of loaded pose library
affectBones = True,
affectDrivenBones = True,
affectMorphs = True,
clearMorphs = True,
affectObject = 'OBJECT',
reportMissingMorphs = False,
affectSelectedOnly = False,
affectScale = True,
ignoreLimits = True,
convertPoses = False,
srcCharacter = 'genesis_3_female')
Import a pose from DAZ pose preset file(s)
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- affectBones (boolean) - Animate bones.
- affectDrivenBones (boolean) - Animate bones with a Drv parent
- affectMorphs (boolean) - Animate morph properties
- clearMorphs (boolean) - Clear all morph properties before loading new ones
- affectObject (enum in ['OBJECT', 'MASTER', 'NONE']) - How to animate global object transformation
- reportMissingMorphs (boolean) - Print a list of missing morphs
- affectSelectedOnly (boolean) - Only animate selected bones
- affectScale (boolean) - Include bone scale in animation
- ignoreLimits (boolean) - Set pose even if outside limit constraints
- convertPoses (boolean) - Attempt to convert poses to the current rig.
- srcCharacter (enum in ['cmu', 'genesis', 'genesis_2_female', 'genesis_2_male', 'genesis_3_female', 'genesis_3_male', 'genesis_8_female', 'genesis_8_male', 'michael_8', 'victoria_7', 'victoria_8']) - Character this file was made for
affectBones = True,
affectDrivenBones = True,
affectMorphs = True,
clearMorphs = True,
affectObject = 'OBJECT',
reportMissingMorphs = False,
affectSelectedOnly = False,
affectScale = True,
ignoreLimits = True,
convertPoses = False,
srcCharacter = 'genesis_3_female',
makeNewPoseLib = True,
poseLibName = "PoseLib")
Import poses from DAZ pose preset file(s) to pose library
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- affectBones (boolean) - Animate bones.
- affectDrivenBones (boolean) - Animate bones with a Drv parent
- affectMorphs (boolean) - Animate morph properties
- clearMorphs (boolean) - Clear all morph properties before loading new ones
- affectObject (enum in ['OBJECT', 'MASTER', 'NONE']) - How to animate global object transformation
- reportMissingMorphs (boolean) - Print a list of missing morphs
- affectSelectedOnly (boolean) - Only animate selected bones
- affectScale (boolean) - Include bone scale in animation
- ignoreLimits (boolean) - Set pose even if outside limit constraints
- convertPoses (boolean) - Attempt to convert poses to the current rig.
- srcCharacter (enum in ['cmu', 'genesis', 'genesis_2_female', 'genesis_2_male', 'genesis_3_female', 'genesis_3_male', 'genesis_8_female', 'genesis_8_male', 'michael_8', 'victoria_7', 'victoria_8']) - Character this file was made for
- makeNewPoseLib (boolean) - Unlink current pose library and make a new one
- poseLibName (string) - Name of loaded pose library
units = False,
expressions = False,
visemes = False,
facs = False,
facsexpr = False,
body = False,
jcms = False,
flexions = False)
Import all standard morphs of selected types. Doing this once is faster than loading individual types
- units (boolean) - Import all face units
- expressions (boolean) - Import all expressions
- visemes (boolean) - Import all visemes
- facs (boolean) - Import all FACS units
- facsexpr (boolean) - Import all FACS expressions
- body (boolean) - Import all body morphs
- jcms (boolean) - Import all JCMs
- flexions (boolean) - Import all flexions
Import selected face unit morphs
Import selected viseme morphs
List world matrix of active object
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "")
Set keys for all selected morphs of specified type at current frame
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "")
Set keys for all shapes of specified type at current frame
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
Edit materials of selected meshes
bpy.ops.daz.limit_vertex_groups(limit = 4)
Limit the number of vertex groups per vertex
- limit (int) - Max number of vertex group per vertex
(undocumented operator)
midlevel = 0.500,
bakeType = 'NORMALS',
imageSize = '2048',
subfolder = "",
basename = "",
storedFolder = "",
storedName = "",
dispScale = 0.010,
usePrune = True)
Load baked normal/displacement maps for the selected meshes
- midlevel (float) - Midlevel value for displacement node
- bakeType (enum in ['NORMALS', 'DISPLACEMENT']) - Bake Type
- imageSize (enum in ['512', '1024', '2048', '4096']) - Image Size
- subfolder (string) - Subfolder for normal/displace maps
- basename (string) - Name used to construct file names
- storedFolder (string) - storedFolder
- storedName (string) - storedName
- dispScale (float) - Displacement scale
- usePrune (boolean) - Prune the node tree
Restore all global settings to factory defaults
bpy.ops.daz.load_favo_morphs(filepath = "", ignoreFinger = False)
Load favorite morphs
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
- ignoreFinger (boolean) - Ignore the mesh fingerprint which describes the mesh topology
filepath = "",
makeNewAction = True,
actionName = "Action",
fps = 30.000,
integerFrames = True,
atFrameOne = True,
firstFrame = 1,
lastFrame = 250,
emphasis = 1.000,
useUpdateLimits = True,
useRelax = True)
Load Moho (.dat) file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
- makeNewAction (boolean) - Unlink current action and make a new one
- actionName (string) - Name of loaded action
- fps (float) - Animation FPS in Daz Studio
- integerFrames (boolean) - Round all keyframes to intergers
- atFrameOne (boolean) - Always start actions at frame 1
- firstFrame (int) - Start import with this frame
- lastFrame (int) - Finish import with this frame
- emphasis (float) - Speech strength
- useUpdateLimits (boolean) - Update limits of open vowels to account for emphasis
- useRelax (boolean) - Relax the Moho animation to make it more natural
useDriver = True,
tile = 1001,
usePrune = True)
Load normal maps to active material
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- useDriver (boolean) - Drive maps with armature properties
- tile (int) - Only load textures in this tile
- usePrune (boolean) - Prune the node tree
bpy.ops.daz.load_pose_internal(filepath = "")
Load pose from a json file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
bpy.ops.daz.load_poses(filepath = "")
Load pose or action from a json file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
filepath = "",
useContent = True,
useMDL = True,
useCloud = False)
Load DAZ root paths from file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
- useContent (boolean) - Load Content Directories
- useMDL (boolean) - Load MDL Directories
- useCloud (boolean) - Load Cloud Directories
midlevel = 0.500,
useDriver = True,
tile = 1001,
usePrune = True)
Load scalar displacement map to active material
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- midlevel (float) - Midlevel value for displacement node
- useDriver (boolean) - Drive maps with armature properties
- tile (int) - Only load textures in this tile
- usePrune (boolean) - Prune the node tree
bpy.ops.daz.load_settings_file(filepath = "")
Load settings from file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
bpy.ops.daz.load_uv(filepath = "")
Load a UV set to the active mesh
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
midlevel = 0.500,
useDriver = True,
tile = 1001,
usePrune = True)
Load vector displacement map to active material
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- midlevel (float) - Midlevel value for displacement node
- useDriver (boolean) - Drive maps with armature properties
- tile (int) - Only load textures in this tile
- usePrune (boolean) - Prune the node tree
useLocation = True,
useRotation = True,
useScale = True,
useZeroOnly = True)
Lock location, rotation, scale for selected bones
- useLocation (boolean) - Lock location
- useRotation (boolean) - Lock rotation
- useScale (boolean) - Lock scale
- useZeroOnly (boolean) - Don't lock channels with transformations
Add an extra layer of driven bones, to make them poseable
collDist = 1.000,
simPreset = 'cotton.json',
pinGroup = "dForce Pin",
simQuality = 16,
collQuality = 4,
gsmFactor = 0.500)
Add cloth modifiers to selected meshes
- collDist (float) - Minimun collision distance (mm)
- simPreset (enum in ['cotton.json', 'denim.json', 'leather.json', 'rubber.json', 'silk.json']) - Simulation preset
- pinGroup (string) - Use this group as pin group
- simQuality (int) - Simulation Quality
- collQuality (int) - Collision Quality
- gsmFactor (float) - GSM Factor (vertex mass multiplier)
bpy.ops.daz.make_collision(collDist = 1.000)
Add collision modifiers to selected meshes
- collDist (float) - Minimun collision distance (mm)
bpy.ops.daz.make_decal(filepath = "")
Add a decal to the active material
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
offset = 5.000,
useQuads = True,
useSubsurf = True,
useShrinkwrap = True)
Make a low-poly deflection mesh for the active mesh
- offset (float) - Offset the surface from the character mesh
- useQuads (boolean) - Convert the deflector into a majority-quad mesh
- useSubsurf (boolean) - Smooth the deflection mesh with a subsurf modifier
- useShrinkwrap (boolean) - Shrinkwrap the deflection mesh to the original mesh
Replace all selected meshes by low-poly versions, using a experimental algorithm that does preserve UV seams
strandType = 'SHEET',
strandOrientation = 'TOP',
keepMesh = False,
removeOldHairs = False,
useSeparateLoose = True,
sparsity = 1,
size = 20,
resizeHair = False,
resizeInBlocks = False,
nViewChildren = 0,
nRenderChildren = 0,
nViewStep = 3,
nRenderStep = 3,
strandShape = 'STANDARD',
rootRadius = 0.300,
tipRadius = 0.300,
childRadius = 10.000,
multiMaterials = True,
keepMaterial = True,
activeMaterial = '',
color = (0.200,0.020,0.010,1.000),
hairMaterialMethod = 'HAIR_BSDF')
Make particle hair from mesh hair
- strandType (enum in ['SHEET', 'LINE', 'TUBE']) - Mesh hair strand type
- strandOrientation (enum in ['TOP', 'BOTTOM', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT']) - How the strands are oriented in UV space
- keepMesh (boolean) - Keep (reconstruct) mesh hair after making particle hair
- removeOldHairs (boolean) - Remove existing particle systems from this mesh
- useSeparateLoose (boolean) - Separate hair mesh into loose parts before doing the conversion. Usually improves performance but can stall for large meshes
- sparsity (int) - Only use every n:th hair
- size (int) - Hair length
- resizeHair (boolean) - Resize hair afterwards
- resizeInBlocks (boolean) - Resize hair in blocks of ten afterwards
- nViewChildren (int) - Number of hair children displayed in viewport
- nRenderChildren (int) - Number of hair children displayed in renders
- nViewStep (int) - How many steps paths are drawn with (power of 2)
- nRenderStep (int) - How many steps paths are rendered with (power of 2)
- strandShape (enum in ['STANDARD', 'ROOTS', 'SHRINK']) - Strand shape
- rootRadius (float) - Strand diameter at the root
- tipRadius (float) - Strand diameter at the tip
- childRadius (float) - Radius of children around parent
- multiMaterials (boolean) - Create separate particle systems for each material
- keepMaterial (boolean) - Use existing material
- activeMaterial (enum in []) - Material to use as hair material
- color (color) - Hair Color
- hairMaterialMethod (enum in ['HAIR_BSDF', 'HAIR_PRINCIPLED', 'PRINCIPLED']) - Type of hair material node tree
Convert HD mesh into mesh with multires modifier, and add vertex groups and extra UV layers
bpy.ops.daz.make_quick_proxy(iterations = 2)
Replace all selected meshes by low-poly versions, using a quick algorithm that does not preserve UV seams
- iterations (int) - Number of iterations when
useFresnel = False,
useEmission = False,
useOneSided = False,
useOverlay = False,
useGlossy = False,
useTopCoat = False,
useRefraction = False,
useFakeCaustics = False,
useTransparent = False,
useTranslucent = False,
useSSS = False,
useRayClip = False,
useDualLobeUber = False,
useDualLobePBR = False,
useVolume = False,
useNormal = False,
useDisplacement = False,
useDecal = False)
Create shader groups for the active material
- useFresnel (boolean) - Fresnel
- useEmission (boolean) - Emission
- useOneSided (boolean) - One Sided
- useOverlay (boolean) - Diffuse Overlay
- useGlossy (boolean) - Glossy
- useTopCoat (boolean) - Top Coat
- useRefraction (boolean) - Refraction
- useFakeCaustics (boolean) - Fake Caustics
- useTransparent (boolean) - Transparent
- useTranslucent (boolean) - Translucent
- useSSS (boolean) - Subsurface Scattering
- useRayClip (boolean) - Ray Clip
- useDualLobeUber (boolean) - Dual Lobe (Uber Shader)
- useDualLobePBR (boolean) - Dual Lobe (PBR Skin)
- useVolume (boolean) - Volume
- useNormal (boolean) - Normal
- useDisplacement (boolean) - Displacement
- useDecal (boolean) - Decal
simPreset = 'cotton.json',
pinGroup = "dForce Pin",
simQuality = 16,
collQuality = 4,
gsmFactor = 0.500,
collDist = 1.000)
Create simulation from Daz data
- simPreset (enum in ['cotton.json', 'denim.json', 'leather.json', 'rubber.json', 'silk.json']) - Simulation preset
- pinGroup (string) - Use this group as pin group
- simQuality (int) - Simulation Quality
- collQuality (int) - Collision Quality
- gsmFactor (float) - GSM Factor (vertex mass multiplier)
- collDist (float) - Minimun collision distance (mm)
trgmat = '',
useFixTiles = True,
useMergeMaterials = False)
Combine materials of selected mesh into a single UDIM material
- trgmat (enum in []) - Active
- useFixTiles (boolean) - Move UV vertices to the right tile automatically
- useMergeMaterials (boolean) - Merge materials and not only textures. If on, some info may be lost. If off, Merge Materials must be called afterwards
bpy.ops.daz.merge_geografts(useMergeUvLayers = True, useVertexTable = True)
Merge selected geografts to active object
- useMergeUvLayers (boolean) - Merge active render UV layers to a single layer
- useVertexTable (boolean) - Add a table with vertex numbers before and after merge. Makes it possible to add morphs after merge, but affects viewport performance
bpy.ops.daz.merge_materials(ignoreStrength = False, ignoreColor = False)
Merge identical materials
- ignoreStrength (boolean) - Merge materials even if some scalar values differ. Often needed to merge materials with bump maps
- ignoreColor (boolean) - Merge materials even if some vector values differ
clothesLayer = 3,
separateCharacters = False,
useCreateDuplicates = False,
useMergeNonConforming = True,
createMeshCollection = True)
Merge selected rigs to active rig
- clothesLayer (int) - Bone layer used for extra bones when merging clothes
- separateCharacters (boolean) - Don't merge armature that belong to different characters
- useCreateDuplicates (boolean) - Create separate bones if several bones with the same name are found
- useMergeNonConforming (boolean) - Also merge non-conforming rigs. (Bone parented and with no bones in common with main rig)
- createMeshCollection (boolean) - Create a new collection and move all meshes to it
Merge separate toes into a single toe bone
bpy.ops.daz.merge_uv_layers(layer = '')
Merge an UV layer to the active render layer. Merging the active render layer to itself replaces any UV map nodes with texture coordinate nodes
- layer (enum in []) - UV layer that is merged with the active render layer
pinningX0 = 0.250,
pinningX1 = 0.750,
pinningW0 = 1.000,
pinningW1 = 0.000)
Add HairPin group to mesh hair
- pinningX0 (float) - Pin X0
- pinningX1 (float) - Pin X1
- pinningW0 (float) - Pin W0
- pinningW1 (float) - Pin W1
shape1 = '',
shape2 = '',
factor1 = 1.000,
factor2 = 1.000,
allSimilar = False,
overwrite = True,
delete = True,
newName = "Shapekey",
filter1 = "",
filter2 = "")
Mix shapekeys
- shape1 (enum in []) - First shapekey
- shape2 (enum in []) - Second shapekey
- factor1 (float) - First factor
- factor2 (float) - Second factor
- allSimilar (boolean) - Mix all shapekeys with similar names
- overwrite (boolean) - Overwrite the first shapekey
- delete (boolean) - Delete unused shapekeys after merge
- newName (string) - Name of new shapekey
- filter1 (string) - Show only items containing this string
- filter2 (string) - Show only items containing this string
bpy.ops.daz.optimize_pose(useApplyRestPose = False)
Optimize pose for IK. Incompatible with pose loading and body morphs
- useApplyRestPose (boolean) - Apply current pose as rest pose for all armatures
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "",
key = "")
Pin property
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
- key (string) - key
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "",
key = "")
Pin shapekey value
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
- key (string) - key
(undocumented operator)
(undocumented operator)
Change sliders to checkboxes (If boolean options appear as sliders, use this button to refresh them)
(undocumented operator)
Display statistics for selected meshes
Remove F-curves with zero keys only
Prune all material node trees for selected meshes
Remove unused UV maps
bpy.ops.daz.prune_vertex_groups(threshold = 0.001)
Remove vertices and groups with weights below threshold
- threshold (float) - Minimum vertex weight to keep
Join triangles to quads
(undocumented operator)
bpy.ops.daz.quote_unquote(Text = "")
Quote or unquote specified text
- Text (string) - Type text to quote or unquote
bpy.ops.daz.remove_all_drivers(useRemoveProps = True, useRemoveAllProps = False)
Remove all drivers from selected objects
- useRemoveProps (boolean) - Also remove driving properties
- useRemoveAllProps (boolean) - Also remove other properties
useDeleteShapekeys = True,
useDeleteProps = True,
useDeleteDrivers = True)
Remove selected categories and associated drivers
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- useDeleteShapekeys (boolean) - Delete both drivers and shapekeys
- useDeleteProps (boolean) - Delete object and armature properties associated with this morph
- useDeleteDrivers (boolean) - Delete drivers associated with this morph
Remove custom shapes from the bones of the active rig
bpy.ops.daz.remove_shape_from_category(custom = '')
Remove selected shapekeys from mesh category
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- custom (enum in []) - Category
bpy.ops.daz.remove_shapekey_drivers(custom = '')
Remove rig drivers from shapekeys
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- custom (enum in []) - Category
Remove selected shells from active object
Remove ability to control visibility from rig property
bpy.ops.daz.rename_category(category = "Shapes", custom = '')
Rename selected category
- category (string) - Add morphs to this category of custom morphs
- custom (enum in []) - Category
Parent small toes to big toe bone
Display shell node groups so they can be displaced.
Reset material to original
steps = 2,
resizeAll = True,
overwrite = False)
Replace all textures of selected meshes with resized versions. Python and OpenCV must be installed on your system.
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_files) to specify input files.
- steps (int) - Resize original images with this number of steps
- resizeAll (boolean) - Resize all textures of the selected meshes
- overwrite (boolean) - Overwrite the original image files.
Restore original UV coordinates outside the [0:1] range
Retarget drivers of selected objects to active object
useAutoAlign = False,
useCustomLayers = True,
useFingerIk = False,
useIkFix = True,
useKeepRig = False,
useRenameBones = True)
Convert metarig to rigify
- useAutoAlign (boolean) - Auto align hand and foot (Rigify parameter)
- useCustomLayers (boolean) - Display layers for face and custom bones. Not for Rigify legacy
- useFingerIk (boolean) - Generate IK controls for fingers
- useIkFix (boolean) - Add limits to IK bones, to prevent poor bending
- useKeepRig (boolean) - Keep existing armature and meshes in a new collection
- useRenameBones (boolean) - Rename bones from l/r prefix to .L/.R suffix
X = 0.000,
Y = 0.000,
Z = 0.000)
Rotate selected bones the same angle
- X (float) - X
- Y (float) - Y
- Z (float) - Z
bpy.ops.daz.save_favo_morphs(filepath = "")
Save favorite morphs
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
bpy.ops.daz.save_local_textures(keepdirs = True)
Copy textures to the textures subfolder in the blend file's directory
- keepdirs (boolean) - Keep the directory tree from Daz Studio, otherwise flatten the directory structure
filepath = "",
check_existing = True,
useSkeleton = False,
usePose = True,
useObjectTransform = True,
useRotationOnly = False,
useSelectedOnly = False)
Save the current pose as a json file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for exporting the .json file
- check_existing (boolean) - Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- useSkeleton (boolean) - Save rotation mode and roll angles
- usePose (boolean) - Save the current pose
- useObjectTransform (boolean) - Save object transform
- useRotationOnly (boolean) - Save rotation curves only
- useSelectedOnly (boolean) - Save pose of selected bones only
filepath = "",
author = "",
website = "",
useAction = True,
useBones = True,
includeLocks = False,
useScale = True,
useFaceBones = True,
useMorphs = True,
first = 1,
last = 1,
fps = 30.000)
Save the active action as a pose preset, to be used in DAZ Studio
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
- author (string) - Author info in pose preset file
- website (string) - Website info in pose preset file
- useAction (boolean) - Import action instead of single pose
- useBones (boolean) - Include bones in the pose preset
- includeLocks (boolean) - Include locked bone channels in the pose preset
- useScale (boolean) - Include bone scale transforms in the pose preset
- useFaceBones (boolean) - Include face bones in the pose preset
- useMorphs (boolean) - Include morphs in the pose preset
- first (int) - First frame
- last (int) - Last frame
- fps (float) - Frames per second
bpy.ops.daz.save_poses(filepath = "", check_existing = True)
Save the current pose or action as a json file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for exporting the .json file
- check_existing (boolean) - Check and warn on overwriting existing files
bpy.ops.daz.save_settings_file(filepath = "", check_existing = True)
Save current settings to file
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the file
- check_existing (boolean) - Check and warn on overwriting existing files
Select all
Select all materials
bpy.ops.daz.select_all_morphs(type = "", value = False)
Select/Deselect all morphs in this section
- type (string) - type
- value (boolean) - value
Select MHX compatible body morphs
Select all named layers and unselect all unnamed layers
Select no material
Select none
bpy.ops.daz.select_random_strands(fraction = 0.500, seed = 0)
Select random subset of strands selected in UV space. Useful for reducing the number of strands before making particle hair
- fraction (float) - Fraction of strands to select
- seed (int) - Seed for the random number generator
Select skin materials
Select all skin or red materials
Select strands based on the number of faces. Useful for reducing the number of strands before making particle hair
bpy.ops.daz.select_strands_by_width(width = 1.000)
Select strands no wider than threshold
- width (float) - Max allowed width (mm)
Separate loose parts as separate meshes
Control the visility of geometry shells
Toggle silent mode on or off (error popups off or on)
bpy.ops.daz.set_udims(tile = 1001)
Move all UV coordinates of selected materials to specified UV tile
- tile (int) - Tile
bpy.ops.daz.show_all_vis(prefix = "")
Show all meshes/makeup of this rig
- prefix (string) - prefix
bpy.ops.daz.snap_simple_fk(prefix = "", type = "")
Snap FK bones to IK bones
- prefix (string) - prefix
- type (string) - type
bpy.ops.daz.snap_simple_ik(prefix = "", type = "")
Snap IK bones to FK bones
- prefix (string) - prefix
- type (string) - type
Split all polygons with five or more corners into triangles
bpy.ops.daz.toggle_all_cats(useMesh = False, useOpen = False)
Toggle all morph categories on and off
- useMesh (boolean) - useMesh
- useOpen (boolean) - useOpen
Toggle location limits
Toggle location locks
Toggle rotation limits
Toggle rotation locks
bpy.ops.daz.toggle_vis(name = "")
Toggle visibility of this mesh
- name (string) - name
Transfer selected mesh to active shapekey
bodypart = 'All',
transferMethod = 'NEAREST',
useDrivers = True,
useStrength = False,
useVendorMorphs = True,
useOverwrite = True,
useSelectedOnly = False,
ignoreRigidity = False)
Transfer shapekeys from active mesh to selected meshes
Use import_daz.setSelection(list_of_selection) to specify input selection.
- bodypart (enum in ['All', 'Face', 'Body', 'Custom']) - Part of character that the morphs affect
- transferMethod (enum in ['NEAREST', 'BODY', 'GEOGRAFT', 'LEGACY']) - Method used to transfer morphs
- useDrivers (boolean) - Transfer both shapekeys and drivers
- useStrength (boolean) - Add a strength multiplier to drivers
- useVendorMorphs (boolean) - Use customized morphs provided by vendor, otherwise always auto-transfer morphs
- useOverwrite (boolean) - Overwrite existing shapekeys or create new ones
- useSelectedOnly (boolean) - Only copy to selected vertices
- ignoreRigidity (boolean) - Ignore rigidity groups when auto-transfer morphs. Morphs may differ from DAZ Studio.
bpy.ops.daz.transfer_vertex_groups(threshold = 0.001)
Transfer vertex groups from active to selected
- threshold (float) - Minimum vertex weight to keep
Restore UV coordinates based on texture names
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "")
Remove keys from all selected morphs of specified type at current frame
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
morphset = "",
category = "",
prefix = "")
Remove keys from all shapekeys of specified type at current frame
- morphset (string) - morphset
- category (string) - category
- prefix (string) - prefix
(undocumented operator)
Unselect all named and unnamed layers except active
Update everything. Try this if driven bones are messed up
bpy.ops.daz.update_hair(affectMaterial = False)
Change settings for particle hair
- affectMaterial (boolean) - Also change materials
Update Materials
Update MHX rig for driving armature properties
Update paths to predefined morphs
Update render and light settings if they are inadequate
min = 0.000,
max = 0.000,
allShapes = False)
Update slider min and max values
- min (float) - Minimum slider value
- max (float) - Maximum slider value
- allShapes (boolean) - Update all shapekey sliders. Can give undesirable effects on JCMs