bpy.ops.mcp.clear_animation(useElbows = True, useKnees = True, useBendPositive = True, useAutoTarget = True, useArms = False, useLegs = True, type = "")
Clear Animation For FK or IK Bones
- useElbows (boolean) - Keep elbow bending positive
- useKnees (boolean) - Keep knee bending positive
- useBendPositive (boolean) - Ensure that elbow and knee bending is positive
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
- useArms (boolean) - Include arms in FK/IK snapping
- useLegs (boolean) - Include legs in FK/IK snapping
- type (string) - type
Clear properties used by BVH Retargeter. Animation editing may fail after this.
Quit local editing and keep changes
bpy.ops.mcp.delete_action(filter = "", actions = None)
Delete the action selected in the action list
- filter (string) - Filter action names with this
- actions (collection) - actions
Delete all action
Delete all actions whose name start with '#'. Such actions are created temporarily by BVH Retargeter. They should be deleted automatically but may be left over.
(undocumented operator)
bpy.ops.mcp.fixate_bone(fixX = True, fixY = True, fixZ = True)
Keep bone location fixed (local coordinates)
- fixX (boolean) - Fix Local X Location
- fixY (boolean) - Fix Local Y Location
- fixZ (boolean) - Fix Local Z Location
bpy.ops.mcp.floor_foot(useAutoTarget = True, useLeft = True, useRight = True, useHips = True)
Keep Feet Above Plane
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
- useLeft (boolean) - Keep left foot above floor
- useRight (boolean) - Keep right foot above floor
- useHips (boolean) - Also adjust character COM when keeping feet above floor
Identify the source rig type of the active armature
Identify the target rig type of the active armature.
(Re)load all json files in the source_rigs directory.
(Re)load all json files in the target_rigs directory.
bpy.ops.mcp.insert_key(loc = False, rot = False, delete = False)
Insert or delete a key
- loc (boolean) - loc
- rot (boolean) - rot
- delete (boolean) - delete
bpy.ops.mcp.limbs_bend_positive(useElbows = True, useKnees = True, useBendPositive = True, useAutoTarget = True)
Ensure that limbs' X rotation is positive.
- useElbows (boolean) - Keep elbow bending positive
- useKnees (boolean) - Keep knee bending positive
- useBendPositive (boolean) - Ensure that elbow and knee bending is positive
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
List the bone associations of the active source rig
List the bone associations of the active target rig
bpy.ops.mcp.load_and_rename_bvh(filter_glob = "*.bvh", filepath = "", startFrame = 1, endFrame = 250, scale = 1.000, x = '90', y = '0', z = '0', ssFactor = 1, useDefaultSS = True, useAutoSource = True, useAutoTarget = True, useAutoScale = True, useTimeScale = False, factor = 1.000)
Load armature from bvh file and rename bones
- filter_glob (string) - filter_glob
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the BVH file
- startFrame (int) - Starting frame for the animation
- endFrame (int) - Last frame for the animation
- scale (float) - Scale the BVH by this value
- x (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - X Euler Angle
- y (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - Y Euler Angle
- z (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - Z Euler Angle
- ssFactor (int) - Sample only every n:th frame
- useDefaultSS (boolean) - Subsample based on difference in frame rates between BVH file and Blender
- useAutoSource (boolean) - Find source rig automatically
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
- useAutoScale (boolean) - Rescale skeleton to match target
- useTimeScale (boolean) - Scale F-curves in time after loading
- factor (float) - Factor for rescaling time
bpy.ops.mcp.load_and_retarget(files = None, directory = "", filter_glob = "*.bvh", filepath = "", startFrame = 1, endFrame = 250, scale = 1.000, x = '90', y = '0', z = '0', ssFactor = 1, useDefaultSS = True, useAutoSource = True, useAutoTarget = True, useAutoScale = True, useTimeScale = False, factor = 1.000, useVisible = False, useSelected = False, useMarkers = False, useSimplify = False, maxErrLoc = 0.010, maxErrRot = 0.100, useElbows = True, useKnees = True, useBendPositive = True, useNLA = False)
Load animation from bvh file to the active armature
- files (collection) - File Path
- directory (dir_path) - directory
- filter_glob (string) - filter_glob
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the BVH file
- startFrame (int) - Starting frame for the animation
- endFrame (int) - Last frame for the animation
- scale (float) - Scale the BVH by this value
- x (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - X Euler Angle
- y (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - Y Euler Angle
- z (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - Z Euler Angle
- ssFactor (int) - Sample only every n:th frame
- useDefaultSS (boolean) - Subsample based on difference in frame rates between BVH file and Blender
- useAutoSource (boolean) - Find source rig automatically
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
- useAutoScale (boolean) - Rescale skeleton to match target
- useTimeScale (boolean) - Scale F-curves in time after loading
- factor (float) - Factor for rescaling time
- useVisible (boolean) - Only visible F-curves
- useSelected (boolean) - Only F-curves for selected bones
- useMarkers (boolean) - Only between markers
- useSimplify (boolean) - Simplify F-curves
- maxErrLoc (float) - Max error for location FCurves when doing simplification
- maxErrRot (float) - Max error for rotation (degrees) FCurves when doing simplification
- useElbows (boolean) - Keep elbow bending positive
- useKnees (boolean) - Keep knee bending positive
- useBendPositive (boolean) - Ensure that elbow and knee bending is positive
- useNLA (boolean) - Create a NLA strip for each loaded action
bpy.ops.mcp.load_bvh(files = None, directory = "", filter_glob = "*.bvh", filepath = "", startFrame = 1, endFrame = 250, scale = 1.000, x = '90', y = '0', z = '0', ssFactor = 1, useDefaultSS = True)
Load an armature from a bvh file
- files (collection) - File Path
- directory (dir_path) - directory
- filter_glob (string) - filter_glob
- filepath (string) - Filepath used for importing the BVH file
- startFrame (int) - Starting frame for the animation
- endFrame (int) - Last frame for the animation
- scale (float) - Scale the BVH by this value
- x (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - X Euler Angle
- y (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - Y Euler Angle
- z (enum in ['0', '90', '180', '270']) - Z Euler Angle
- ssFactor (int) - Sample only every n:th frame
- useDefaultSS (boolean) - Subsample based on difference in frame rates between BVH file and Blender
bpy.ops.mcp.load_t_pose(check_existing = True, filter_glob = "*.json", filepath = "")
Load T-pose from file
- check_existing (boolean) - Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- filter_glob (string) - filter_glob
- filepath (string) - Filepath to json file
bpy.ops.mcp.loop_fcurves(useVisible = False, useSelected = False, useMarkers = False, blendRange = 5, loopInPlace = False, deleteOutside = False)
Make the beginning and end of the selected time range connect smoothly. Use before repeating.
- useVisible (boolean) - Only visible F-curves
- useSelected (boolean) - Only F-curves for selected bones
- useMarkers (boolean) - Only between markers
- blendRange (int) - Blend Range
- loopInPlace (boolean) - Remove Location F-curves
- deleteOutside (boolean) - Delete all keyframes outside the looped region
(undocumented operator)
bpy.ops.mcp.move_to_marker(left = False, last = False)
Move to time marker
- left (boolean) - left
- last (boolean) - last
bpy.ops.mcp.offset_toes(useAutoTarget = True)
Keep toes below the ball of the feet
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
(undocumented operator)
bpy.ops.mcp.put_in_src_t_pose(autoRig = True)
Put the character into T-pose
- autoRig (boolean) - Find rig automatically
bpy.ops.mcp.put_in_trg_t_pose(autoRig = True)
Put the character into T-pose
- autoRig (boolean) - Find rig automatically
bpy.ops.mcp.rename_active_to_selected(useTimeScale = False, factor = 1.000, useAutoSource = True, useAutoTarget = True, useAutoScale = True)
Rename bones of selected (source) armatures and scale it to fit the active (target) armature
- useTimeScale (boolean) - Scale F-curves in time after loading
- factor (float) - Factor for rescaling time
- useAutoSource (boolean) - Find source rig automatically
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
- useAutoScale (boolean) - Rescale skeleton to match target
bpy.ops.mcp.repeat_fcurves(useVisible = False, useSelected = False, useMarkers = False, repeatNumber = 1)
Repeat the part of the animation between selected markers n times
- useVisible (boolean) - Only visible F-curves
- useSelected (boolean) - Only F-curves for selected bones
- useMarkers (boolean) - Only between markers
- repeatNumber (int) - Repeat Number
Change rest pose to current pose
bpy.ops.mcp.retarget_selected_to_active(useAutoTarget = True)
Retarget animation to the active (target) armature from the other selected (source) armatures
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
bpy.ops.mcp.save_t_pose(check_existing = True, filter_glob = "*.json", filepath = "", onlyMcpBones = False)
Save current pose as .json file
- check_existing (boolean) - Check and warn on overwriting existing files
- filter_glob (string) - filter_glob
- filepath (string) - Filepath to json file
- onlyMcpBones (boolean) - Only Mcp Bones
bpy.ops.mcp.set_all_fake_user(fake = False)
Add or remove fake users from all actions
- fake (boolean) - Add or remove fake user
bpy.ops.mcp.set_current_action(filter = "", actions = None)
Set the action selected in the action list as the current action
- filter (string) - Filter action names with this
- actions (collection) - actions
bpy.ops.mcp.set_fake_user(filter = "", actions = None)
Make selected actions fake and others unfake
- filter (string) - Filter action names with this
- actions (collection) - actions
Shift the animation globally for selected boens
bpy.ops.mcp.simplify_fcurves(useVisible = False, useSelected = False, useMarkers = False, useSimplify = False, maxErrLoc = 0.010, maxErrRot = 0.100)
Simplify F-curves
- useVisible (boolean) - Only visible F-curves
- useSelected (boolean) - Only F-curves for selected bones
- useMarkers (boolean) - Only between markers
- useSimplify (boolean) - Simplify F-curves
- maxErrLoc (float) - Max error for location FCurves when doing simplification
- maxErrRot (float) - Max error for rotation (degrees) FCurves when doing simplification
Start local F-curve editing
bpy.ops.mcp.stitch_actions(blendRange = 5, firstAction = '', secondAction = '', firstEndFrame = 1, secondStartFrame = 1, actionTarget = 'Stitch new', outputActionName = "Stitched")
Stitch two action together seamlessly
- blendRange (int) - Blend Range
- firstAction (enum in []) - First Action
- secondAction (enum in []) - Second Action
- firstEndFrame (int) - First End Frame
- secondStartFrame (int) - Second Start Frame
- actionTarget (enum in ['Stitch new', 'Prepend second']) - Action Target
- outputActionName (string) - Output Action Name
(undocumented operator)
bpy.ops.mcp.timescale_fcurves(useTimeScale = False, factor = 1.000)
Scale F-curves in time
- useTimeScale (boolean) - Scale F-curves in time after loading
- factor (float) - Factor for rescaling time
bpy.ops.mcp.transfer_to_fk(useElbows = True, useKnees = True, useBendPositive = True, useAutoTarget = True, useArms = False, useLegs = True)
Transfer IK animation to FK bones
- useElbows (boolean) - Keep elbow bending positive
- useKnees (boolean) - Keep knee bending positive
- useBendPositive (boolean) - Ensure that elbow and knee bending is positive
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
- useArms (boolean) - Include arms in FK/IK snapping
- useLegs (boolean) - Include legs in FK/IK snapping
bpy.ops.mcp.transfer_to_ik(useElbows = True, useKnees = True, useBendPositive = True, useAutoTarget = True, useArms = False, useLegs = True)
Transfer FK animation to IK bones
- useElbows (boolean) - Keep elbow bending positive
- useKnees (boolean) - Keep knee bending positive
- useBendPositive (boolean) - Ensure that elbow and knee bending is positive
- useAutoTarget (boolean) - Find target rig automatically
- useArms (boolean) - Include arms in FK/IK snapping
- useLegs (boolean) - Include legs in FK/IK snapping
bpy.ops.mcp.undo_edit(answer = "")
Quit local editing and discard changes
- answer (string) - answer
Verify the source rig type of the active armature
Verify the target rig type of the active armature