
  • Fit Mesh To Other.
  • Find Seams. Create seams at the boundaries of the UV islands.
  • Prune Vertex Groups. Remove vertices with very small weights from vertex groups.
  • Get Fingerprint. Print the fingerprints of selected meshes in the console window.


Find Seams
Creates seams at the boundaries of the UV islands.

The correct UV map must be chosen when the Find Seams button is pressed. Normally an imported character only comes with a single UV map, but there are multiple maps if other meshes have been merged to the selected one, e.g. with the Merge Anatomy button, The image above shows seams found for the night-time version of Ana - the genitals has strange seams because the body UV map was active.

Prune Vertex Groups
Remove vertices with very small weights from vertex groups. If this results in the vertex group being empty, remove the vertex group as well.

Get Fingerprint
The fingerprint of a mesh is the string "Number of vertices - Number of edges - Number of faces". It provides a reasonable unique way to recognize a mesh. The DAZ importer knows about the fingerprints of the characters Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3 and Genesis 8. This button prints the fingerprint of the active mesh in the terminal window.

Above we selected in turn the Ana armature, the Ana mesh, the low-poly version of Ana, and the Corset, and pressed Get Fingerprint.