Utilities Panel


  • Decode File. Decode a gzipped file, which can be a .duf, .dsf, or .dbz file.
  • Print Statistics. Print statistics for the selected meshes. This tool was described in the Low-poly section.
  • Update All: Update everything. Try this if driven bones are messed up.
  • Information About Active Object
  • Information About Active Bone.
  • Silent Mode. Toggle silent mode on and off (error popups off and on).
  • Get Fingerprint. Print string characterizing the mesh topology.
  • Inspect World Matrix. Print the world matrix of the active object in the terminal window.
  • Enable All Layers. Enable all bone layers

Decode File

DAZ files (.duf, .dsf) are really the JSON files, often gzipped to reduce disk space. The same is true for dbz files, generated by the Export To Blender script that is bundled with this plugin.  JSON is a ASCII format that can be viewed in a text editor, but gzipped files are binary. 

Select a .duf, .dsf, or .dbz  file in the file selector, and an uncompressed text file is created in the same directory. If the original file is called foo.duf, the text file is called foo.duf.txt, if it is called foo.dbz, the text file is foo.dbz.txt.

Information About Active Object

  • Name. The object's name.
  • ID. Identifier that uniquely defines the object in DAZ Studio.
  • URL. Path to the .duf/.dsf file which contains the objects definition. This is useful e.g. for loading morphs, which are usually located nearby.
  • Rig Type. If the active object is an armature of recognized type.
  • Mesh Type. If the active object is a mesh of recognized type, or if it is an armature and a child is recognized.
  • Original Fingerprint. String characterizing the mesh topology when it was loaded (meshes only).
  • Unit Scale. The scale that the object was imported with, i.e. the Unit Scale field in the import options.

Here is the information about the Aiko rig. The Rig Type is genesis8 and the mesh type is Genesis8-female.
Here is the information about the Aiko mesh. It is a Genesis 8 Female mesh which is recognized by the importer.

Here is the information about the Basic wear shorts mesh. It is not a mesh type that the plugin recognizes.

Information About Active Bone

  • Active Bone: Name of the active bone.
  • Head: Location of bone head (center point) in DAZ Studio (in centimeters, Y up).
  • Tail: Location of bone tail (end point) in DAZ Studio (in centimeters, Y up).
  • Orient: Bone orientation in DAZ Studio (XYZ Euler, Y up).
  • RotMode: Bone rotation mode in DAZ Studio (Euler type).
  • LocLocks: Location locks.
  • RotLocks: Rotation locks.
  • Location: Bone world location (in centimeters).
  • Rotation: Bone world rotation (XYZ Euler).
  • Scale: Bone world scale.

Here is the information about the lShldrBend bone.


Get Fingerprint

The fingerprint of a mesh is a string that identifies the mesh topology reasonably uniquely. It is used internally by the Daz Importer in order to recognize and distinguish between known character types, such as Genesis, Genesis 2 Female, Genesis 3 Male, etc. 

The fingerprint of a mesh with V vertices, E edges and F faces is the string "V-E-F". E.g., the Genesis 8 female consists of 16556 vertices, 32882 edges and 16368 faces. Its fingerprint is thus "16556-32882-16368".

With the Aiko mesh or armature selected, press Get Fingerprint. A dialog is displayed with information about the active object.

Because the fingerprint belongs to a known character type, the plugin can determine that Aiko is a Genesis 8 Female. The same information is also printed in the terminal window. Note that the fingerprint is the same as the original fingerprint in the information box. 

If we modify the mesh in some way, e.g. by joining eye-lashes or merging geografts, the fingerprint changes but the original fingerprint remains the same. This can be used to load morphs to mehes that have been changed in some specific ways, see Adding morphs after lashes and geografts have been merged.

Here we have joined Aiko with her eye-lashes. The fingerprint is changed and the character is no longer recognized, but the original fingerprint remains the same.