Almost a year has past since stable version 1.6.1 was released, and it is now seriously outdated. Today the new stable version 1.6.2 is released. This is merely a snapshot of the current state of the development version. Apart from lots of bug-fixes, the new version has support from Genesis 9. It can be downloaded from
The documentation has not been updated for this release. In a few months I will hopefully release version 1.7 with updated documentation. In the same time the documentation will move to the Bitbucket wikis associated with the add-ons. The new documentation locations will be
Work on the wikis has commenced but it is still at a very early stage.
Midnight Arrow suggested to move the documentation into a wiki to make it searchable. It is not clear to me if relocating to Bitbucket will achieve this goal, but it has several other advantages that are important to myself:
- Easier to achieve a consistent look and feel.
- Faster editing.
- Better backup since the wiki is a git repo.
Also, putting the documentation at the same place as the code feels natural. There is little point in reinventing the wheel when somebody else already has done it.