The DAZ importer is a tool for importing native DAZ Studio files (DAZ User File *.duf, DAZ System File *.dsf) into Blender. It also contains some tools to make the assets more animation friendly.
Release candidate 2:
Main documentation page:
Since the previous stable version was released half a year ago there has been several improvements and additions.
- A DAZ Studio plug-in for exporting the final world space coordinates for vertices and bones.
- Limits on the number of facial expressions overcome, using handlers for bone drivers.
- Material improvements, in particular for Cycles.
- Posing improvements.
- Many small bugfixes and additional features.
The most signicant improvement is the DAZ Studio plug-in. In previous versions Wavefront or Collada files could be used to find the final meshes with all morphs included, but this did not always work correctly. In version 1.1 I also attempted to deduce the final locations directly from the DAZ Studio files. While this in theory must be possible (after all, DAZ Studio does it), I never got it to work right, especially not fitting clothes to arbitrary morphed meshes. After I started to use the DAZ Studio plug-in to export the final world-space coordinates, meshes have always looked the same in Blender as in DAZ Studio.
The script has mainly been tested with DAZ Studio 4.9 and Blender 2.78c on Windows 7.